魔萌动漫文化传播(深圳)有限公司的前身是位于深圳的SUN.STUDIO创意事务所,是一家经验丰富的集企业形象设计、品牌策划、平面设计、空间设计、卡漫设计、商业摄影、多媒体设计于一体的品牌策划与资源整合服务供应商。注重商业与艺术的结合,更注重自身素养的修炼及孕育。在关注纷繁复杂与日趋多元市场需求的同时,审时度势,顺势而为,积极倡导高品质的品牌形象传播成果呈现,并借助日益丰富与强大的网络传播平台,为客户提供最具实效性与传播价值的品牌策划与解决方案。 2013年SUN.STUDIO原创自主动漫品牌——【魔鬼猫】
MOREMOON CARTOON Cultural Diffusion Co. Ltd’ s predecessor was SUN.STUDIO Creative Agency, brand planning and resource integration service provider compared with Integrative Design, Brand Planning, Graphic Design, Space Design, Cartoon Design, Commercial Photography, Multimedia Design. Pay attention to combine commerce and art, practice and raise oneself is more important. By focusing on complex and increasingly diverse market demand, size up the situation, advocating high-quality brand image communication result actively, and by the increasingly rich and powerful network communication platform, offer substantive and spread valuable brand planning and solution for customers. Create original cartoon brand named ZOMBIESCAT in 2013.
MOREMOON CARTOON centered on original cartoon brand image promotion, insist on enrich the brand “ZOMBIESCAT” and expand related areas, cover the cartoon image authorization and derivatives research and development and sales, animation image design illustration design Long cartoon making Sales channel management Mobile game design. Believe in the value about “creative drive innovation, innovation surplus”, and committed to build China's top original cartoon brand, promote China's cultural creative industries.